Sunday: Worship 11:00 AM



Christian Stewardship is more than coins in a coffer, it is recognizing that everything in life are gifts from God. Our first breath in the morning, the time we can spend with loved ones, the skills we use in our day to day lives, the list goes on. We respond by being responsible stewards of the gifts God has given us, managing and utilizing them to serve his people through ministries! It is the Lord who continually strengthens us and provides the resources to proclaim the Good News. We are the hands of Christ, administering the Gospel through word and action! Join us in this role of servitude so that all may know the grace and mercy given to men for the sake of Christ! "To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. I do it for the sake of the Gospel, that I might share with them in its blessings." [1 Cor. 9:22-23] 

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